Monday, July 6, 2020

International Intercultural Management - Cultural Comparison - Free Essay Example

Activities Hello in various languages game – Everyone participates in saying hello in as many languages as possible . The story of my name – Basically where does your name come from and meaning behind it. Have you ever – Exploring and celebrating the diversity of the different culture via past experiences. Cultural Comparison Nigeria English speakers Music and Football enthusiast Most of them hold the catholic faith Bold and confident in their expression Brazil Portuguese native speakers Music ad football enthusiast Majority also hold the catholic faith Quite and less expressive in English Findings and their Implication Biculturism is marked by attitude and behaviors that is not linked to birth. Identities are never stable but rather socially constructed through interaction. Ethnic, culture and national identity are to be viewed as a set of ideas about individual membership group. Conclusion In most of the participants expectations the intercultural experience was to be an integration in a new socio-cultural environment. But the experience involved more about how fit individual would be in meeting the demands of a new environment. The Nigerian student had an extra level of confidence as thy were the host participants. However lack of common words in Brazil and Nigerian cultures made it extra hard for the individuals to express in common joking levels. The situation of being in a multicultural environment might lead to native cultural salience. References Chen, L. (n.d.). Intercultural communication. Dombi, J. (2017). A study on advanced EFL learners intercultural encounters. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2017]. Guzley, R. (1992). Cross-cultural management communication. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 16(4), pp.455-460. Intercultural management in action: Setting up a European business. (1991).? International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 15(4), p.502. International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR International). (1989). International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 13(3), p.I. (2017).? Cite a Website Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2017]. Martin, J. (1987). The relationship between student sojourner perceptions of intercultural competencies a nd previous sojourn experience. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 11(4), pp.337-355. Siqueira, S. (2017). Intercultural language educators for an intercultural world: action upon reflection. Intercultural Education, 28(4), pp.390-407. Steinkalk, E. and Taft, R. (1979). The effect of a planned intercultural experience on the attitudes and behavior of the participants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 3(2), pp.187-197. Walker, S. (2002). Africanity Vs Blackness Race, Class And Culture In Brazil. NACLA Report on the Americas, 35(6), pp.16-20.

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